Spring 2024 Banish Burnout Event

Escape Burnout: Exclusive Strategies for Every High Achiever

Learn how to maintain high performance without the burnout in this empowering webinar.

Register now and receive an immediate link to add this event to your calendar.

As a high-achieving woman, it's no wonder you're feeling overwhelmed in your career or business.

In a world where success and hustle often seem synonymous, it’s no surprise that you find yourself at a crossroads of ambition and exhaustion. You might feel torn by change, doubt your accomplishments, and feel exhausted even in joyful moments. 

But these challenges signal a need for a shift—a move towards balancing your drive with your well-being.

What You'll Gain From The Masterclass

By attending this event, you’ll learn how to:

  • Redefine Productivity: Unlearn the myth that busyness equals success. Learn strategies to work smarter, not harder, by managing your energy effectively to achieve more.
  • Shift Your Mindset: Transform your view on work-life balance. See how a positive adjustment in your approach to stress can significantly enhance your joy and satisfaction in life.
  • Address Burnout Proactively: Identify early signs of burnout and implement practical, effective strategies to not just cope, but thrive both personally and professionally.


This masterclass goes beyond simple burnout management—it’s about revolutionizing your understanding of productivity and introducing strategies that align success with your overall happiness and health.

Meet Your Host,
Karin Freeland

Karin Freeland is no stranger to burnout. After 15 years in corporate she hung up her workaholic life for entrepreneurship. Karin is now a Certified Life Reinvention Coach specializing in supporting high-achieving women to overcome their fears, beat burnout, and achieve their biggest goals. She believes you don’t have to sacrifice it all, especially your health and wellbeing, to reach success! Learn more about Karin at www.karinfreeland.com. You can also connect with Karin on Instagram or LinkedIn.

Don't Miss This Unique Opportunity to Transform Your Approach to Burnout and Stress

Embrace new strategies for balance and productivity that will not only enhance your professional life but also enrich your personal experiences.

Here’s What You Need to Do Next:

Register Now: Complete your registration below to confirm your participation. This isn’t just about attending an event—it’s a commitment to your own well-being and future.

Mark Your Calendar: Once you’ve registered, save the date—Wednesday, May 15th at 12:00 PM ET. Dedicate this time to yourself, focusing on strategies to conquer burnout and pave the way for a more satisfying and productive life.